Ten Tips to Fight Off Dementia

Dementia is a dreaded disease that science has yet to find a cure and can affect people as early as their 50s, though most sufferers are over 65 when symptoms first appear. Dementia includes Alzheimer’s Disease, which accounts for 50% to 80% of all dementia cases, or any other condition where...

Ten Tips to Fight Off Dementia Continue reading…

Do You Need a Care Committee?

Part of sensible estate planning is having an advance health care directive that contains living will language, and a durable power of attorney for financial decisions, all targeted at making your wishes known for how you want your medical care and other affairs to be handled.


Do You Need a Care Committee? Continue reading…

Preparing For Aging Alone

“Elder orphans” may be a new term that has entered the American lexicon. It refers to those persons who are 65 years of age or older who have no adult children or spouse, or even other close relatives, and are now facing new and unexpected challenges in their lives. When the...

Preparing For Aging Alone Continue reading…